
To record the ever-changing urban streetscape.

Founded by Michael Kan, Paper with Pen is a Hong Kong-based design company dedicated to celebrating the city’s distinctive cityscape through illustration. Our product line includes postcards, framed prints, and tote bags, all showcasing intricate sketches of the city’s iconic landmarks. These creations are now featured in many high-profile retail stores, including the M+ Museum shop, Hong Kong International Airport, and Bookazine stores. We are currently publishing a book documenting the ever-changing urban landscape and storefronts of Hong Kong.

Paper with Pen 是由建築設計師簡國軒創立的香港設計品牌。我們熱衷於城市速寫,從不斷變化的街景到本地老店。我們希望透過細膩的筆墨記錄轉瞬即逝的城市面貌,保存並宣揚這座城市獨特的歷史和文化遺產。

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